Earthdata Blog

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The IMPACT team confirmed that their deep learning-based Hurricane Intensity Estimator algorithm successfully estimated the intensity of Hurricane Ida.

Armyworms have become a significant problem, so IMPACT scientists have made higher spatial resolution imagery available to several federal agency partners interested in mapping the Earth’s surface to assess damage.

IMPACT’s Analysis and Review of the Common Metadata Repository team explores the ways in which high-quality metadata powers the discovery of Earth observation data and the importance of quality assessments to make that happen.

FIRMS has recently implemented a scalable user interface to better meet the needs and use cases of various users.

NASA, ESA, and JAXA hosted an all-virtual, global Earth Observation Dashboard Hackathon.

IMPACT is convening a session at the American Geophysical Union fall conference that is focused on leveraging deep generative models and self-supervised learning techniques.

Worldview's latest release, v3.11.0, contains a few new features and imagery layers that we'd like to share with you!

View smoke in FIRMS using Corrected Reflectance Imagery or aerosol indices.

The ongoing evolution in data, software, and computers is transforming the core tools of science and changing both what questions scientists ask and how they find the answers.

The new FIRMS US/Canada fire map includes the location and details of wildland and prescribed fires.