Earthdata Blog

A deeper dive into NASA Earth science data.

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The Time Since Detection classification for MODIS and VIIRS active fire detection is available in the fire map for FIRMS Global and FIRMS US/Canada.

IMPACT led a session on “Scaling Machine Learning for Remote Sensing on Cloud Computing Environment.”

The IMPACT team developed an automated marine debris detection solution using machine learning.

FIRMS has added additional capability to integrate satellite active fire detection data as streaming web services.

The ImageLabeler provides a catalog of candidate events for scientific investigation and gathers the training data required to train machine learning algorithms to automatically detect specific events.

We asked our team members to define what informatics means to them.

Over the course of a week, virtual teams will focus on utilizing data from NASA's Earth Observing Dashboard to address challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

IMPACT and the SpaceML initiative produced the Worldview image search pipeline, a key component of which is the self-supervised learner which employs self-supervised learning to build the model store.

Worldview and GIBS recently released new imagery in version 3.9.1 including MODIS Flood Product and CYGNSS Soil Moisture.

Participants will develop algorithms to identify flood pixels after training their algorithm against a training set of synthetic aperture radar images.