Earthdata Blog

A deeper dive into NASA Earth science data.

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GIBS now has Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) layers available for soil moisture and temperature, snow mass, heterotrophic respiration, and more.

We're happy to report that Esri has contributed a data compression algorithm to the Meta Raster Format repository called Limited Error Raster Compression.

GIBS is now providing daily global mosaics of VIIRS imagery in full resolution.

We are pleased to announce the availability of two new sea surface temperature layers provided by the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature.

OnEarth-Boxes is a new system that makes it easy to create new virtual machines with pre-configured OnEarth servers for experimentation, education, and development.

These products are available globally at their full resolution of 30 meters per pixel.

Four Level 1 global radiometer products recently have been added to the list of Worldview active layers.

Getting near real-time data over the oceans just became easier thanks to the addition of 10 new products to NASA’s Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS).

New imagery products are now available in GIBS in the Geographic, North Polar Stereographic, South Polar Stereographic, and Web Mercator projections.

Source code to the Worldview satellite imagery browsing tool is available on GitHub as of April 22, 2014.