Earthdata Blog

A deeper dive into NASA Earth science data.

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Aimee Barciauskas, a data engineer at Development Seed and IMPACT, hosts a webinar titled "VEDA: A NASA Open Source Platform for Geosciences."

IMPACT presentations at the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) highlight end-to-end machine learning, the VEDA platform, and more.

VEDA (Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis) is an innovative platform empowering researchers to explore and analyze Earth science data in the cloud.

IMPACT team member Sydney Lybrand introduces students in Alabama elementary schools to the exciting field of meteorology.

At the 2023 Global Space Conference on Climate Change in Oslo, the teams behind the development and deployment of the Earth Observing Dashboard were honored with a one-time Special Award on Space for Climate Protection by the International Astronautical Federation.

IMPACT team member Helen Blue Parache co-led a working seminar on data-driven art for students at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Data sonification allows researchers, scientists, and individuals to use their sense of hearing to interpret and analyze complex datasets.

If you're interested in retrieving NASA Earth Science imagery visualizations via the Global Imagery Browse Services to use in your own applications, you've come to the right place—and we've updated our web examples.

Teams and projects within IMPACT advance stewardship of Earth observation data.

IMPACT deputy manager Dr. Manil Maskey and the IMPACT Airborne Data Management Group were recognized by NASA for their exemplary work.